Ganesh Chander Grover
Chairman of Audit Committee

He is Indonesian citizen, 84 years old as of December 31 , 2022.
He holds a degree in Public Accounting from The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, New Delhi, India.
Began joining the Company in 2023, as Independent Commissioner based on the resolution of the Company’s the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders dated June 16, 2023 for the periode of office until 2026. Appointed as chairman of the audit committee based on the decision of the Company’s Board of Commissioners No: KEP-002/DEKOM-LPI/VI/2023 dated June 22, 2023.
He does not hold any concurrent position in other public company.
He started his career as Finance Manager and Corporate Secretary at Bist Industrial Corporation, a sugar company in New Delhi, India (1964–1966), then he worked at USAID, the American Embassy in New Delhi, India and Jakarta, Indonesia (1966–1975). From 1975 to 1990 he was appointed as Vice President and Treasurer of Group Usaha Trisakti (a business arm of Trisakti University). In 1990, joined PT Lippo Cikarang Tbk as Director until 1999 and he was appointed as Commissioner which position be held until 2016. He also served as Director and Independent Commissioner of PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk (2002–2013), President Commissioner of PT Lippo General Insurance Tbk (2007–2013) and Independent Commissioner of PT Multi Prima Sejahtera Tbk since (2018-2020). Lastly, he served as Independent Commissioner at PT Star Pacific Tbk until 2023.
He does not has any affiliation with member of the Board of Commissioners or member of Board ofDirectors or with the Controlling Shareholders.
Raymond Liu
Member of Audit Committee

He is Indonesian citizen, 65 years old as of December 31, 2022.
He holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, a Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering from West Virginia Institute of Technology, USA and a Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA. During 2022, He did not participate in any education and/or training for competence improvement.
Reappointed as member of the audit committee based on the decision of the Company’s Board of Commissioners No: KEP-002/DEKOM-LPI/VI/2023 dated June 22, 2023.
He does not hold any concurrent position in other public company.
Started his career in 1992 at International Paper, New York, USA as Senior Research until 1996. Next in 1996 – 2012 he worked at the Sinarmas Group, among others as a Purchasing Director PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (1996 – 2000), President Director Asia Trade Logistics – Arms Logistics of Sinarmas Pulp & Paper, Joint Venture with Sojitz, Japan (2000 – 2009), Director PT Tjiwi Kimia Tbk and PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk (2002 – 2010), President Director Meadow Lake Mechanical Pulp Mill, Canada (2008 – 2011) and Executive Vice President Canada Excellence Paper, Canada (2010 – 2012). Then he served as President of the Pelita Harapan University (2012 – 2016) and Rector of the Pelita Harapan University in Medan (2014 – 2018). He currently serves as Chief Executive Officer at Agro Investama Group since 2012.
He does not has any affiliation with member of the Board of Commissioners or member of Board ofDirectors or with the Controlling Shareholders.
Arthur Felix Kalesaran
Member of Audit Committee

He is Indonesian citizen, 58 years old as of December 31 , 2022.
Graduated from University Padjadjaran, Bandung in 1988 with Accounting degree majoring in Economics. He attended special. education and training for Head of Internal Audit Unit at the Center for Development of Accounting and Finance (PPAK) in 2013 and he also holds the Internal Audit Professional certification. During 2022, He did not participate in any education and/or training for competence improvement.
Reappointed as member of the audit committee based on the decision of the Company’s Board of Commissioners No : KEP-002/DEKOM-LPI/VI/2023 dated June 22, 2023.
He does not hold any concurrent position in other public company.
He has a professional career in Accounting, IT and Audit in various companies (retail, leasing, security guard) before joining the Lippo Group in 1999. In the 2000-2003 period, he served as Director of PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk. After that, he successively held various important positions in PT Lippo Karawaci Tbk and its subsidiaries such as PT GMTD, PT Lippo Land Development, PT Lippo Malls Indonesia.
He does not has any affiliation with member of the Board of Commissioners or member of Board ofDirectors or with the Controlling Shareholders.